Us TOO support

Us TOO members host two drop-in meetings every week for people with prostate and testicular cancer, and their family members/caregivers.

In Person

Join us every Thursday at 10 am
at Barns & Noble Cafe, 200 E. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage (map)

Stop by and tell us what’s on your mind or just enjoy a sip or two with friends. The coffee is on Us TOO (if you stop by the table before ordering)! Look for at least one old guy wearing a blue “SURVIVOR” cap with an Us TOO sign on his table.


Join us every Monday at 7 pm
This is an informal Zoom meeting for anyone in Alaska with an internet connection or phone. Ask questions of those who have undergone a variety of treatments. We talk about everything except politics.

Email for this week’s meeting link and to join the mailing list for meeting notices. Let us know if you don’t have the free Zoom app and we can send you a link to download and install it. Can’t or prefer not to do video? We can also send you a phone number to participate by voice only. Just ask!

Your privacy

Us TOO does not collect any information about your visit to this website. If you email us to get the zoom meeting link, we do not share your email address.

It’s up to you what information you choose to share at our meetings. We will never ask you to share more than you’re comfortable with.

For more about how support groups work, check out this Etiquette for Support Group Meetings page from ZERO Prostate Cancer. We agree with ZERO that our “primary goal is to provide a safe, respectful, and supportive environment where all participants feel welcome and comfortable sharing their experiences.”